Turtle Love!!
Both MaiTai (female) and Kamakazi (male) are box turtles. Our friend, Scott, knew I liked turtles so he got me one for Christmas
about 7 years ago. Mai Tai came in a box and she wouldn't get out of her water dish. I went to the pet store and found out
that these turtles spend most of their time in water, so we had to upgrade to a nice tank. Swimming is pretty much what they
love to do! It's like peeking into a pond!
We got Kamakazi because a friend told us that animals live longer when they have company, so off to the store I went! Kamakazi
immediately took to MaiTai, but her tolerance of his wooing was minimal at first. It's quite a sight! He takes his long
"nails" and strokes her face lovingly. We were told that this is what they do when they mate. She lets him do
it all of the time now, so we can only assume that they are officially a couple