Shiminute is a dobie/shep mix that Goldie picked at an animal shelter. He was brought into our family as a friend for her.
I must confess that he's a total mama's boy, but nothing is better to him than playing with his dad! He's become quite the
good boy (which he was NOT when we first got him) and we're very proud!
Ron and Shim on the couch. No one is as comfortable as Shim when it comes to laying on the couch...and it's a necessity to
be using a human as a pillow for him!
There is nothing Shim hates more than to share his bed with someone other than me or Ron....especially the bird!!! Somehow
she has managed to rule the roost, and by the desperate look on his face you can see that he's NOT pleased!
This picture makes me laugh!!! Shim is very possessive of his chewies and when he's not in the mood to eat them, he hides
them from Wooley. Unfortunately he hid one too well under the couch and had to ask for Ron's help! I call this one "Boys
Looking For Bone". My poor husband!
Shim loves his teddy bear! He's always liked those stuffed toys that he can gnaw on or sleep with. This was a classic picture
because he looked like such an angel! He once had a stuffed dinosaur that we named the Shiminuasaurus and a stuffed frog
we called Doggy's Fwoggy. The dinosaur was his favorite and when he finally chewed it's stuffing out, it was the end of the
Shiminuasaurus era...we couldn't find another.