Josie and Zeopepine's Page
Vicki's Family
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Josie and Zeopepine were our first pets. They are an Abyssinian mix. Ironically, the breeders thought they were all Abyssinian until they saw Josie and realized that one of the parents was not a full breed. I was working at the hair salon when a kid came in with them and I knew I had to have them! Ron said "NO!", but once he saw them he caved! (Poor guy! He's just got NO say sometimes!)


This is Zeopepine. (Ron and his brother named him during one of their goofier moods. Apparantly they have a Sicilian uncle that no one understands that strikes them as being funny...don't ask!) He's the big king cat! Z is almost twice the size of Josie and has some killer claws! He's also the biggest mush when no one is around to see it. But for the sake of his reputation, we refer to him as ferocious. He looks very abyssinian and if it wasn't for Josie's sweet little tabby face his true bloodlines wouldn't have been revealed!


The picture above is of a great kitty feast. Clearly, Josie's face shows that they have the finest selection of delicacies that any cat could ask for! (For the record, they usually don't get to use our dinnerwear!) The picture below is of a typical feeding time that any cat owner understands...the meowing, the leg rubbing, the prancing....


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